O God of love, I thank You for this time of prayer. I thank and praise You for having been our hope so far in our lives and for doing good things for us and blessing us. My God of hope, You have so far never forsook us but protected and guarded us so well. Help us to remain trusting in You. Let it not dwindle. Sometimes my trust goes after my wealth. O Lord, forgive me. Let me not fall into the trap of placing my trust in it and incur Your curse. You have given me good family and house. Let me not place my faith in my children that they would help me in future. Let my trust be on You alone at all times. Let me not trust in my strength or in the ways open before me. Let me not think that there is no one to question me even if I go wrong. Help me to lay my trust in You only in all circumstances at all times. Let it be firm without any let up. O Lord, I should not lose Your blessings. Jeremiah 17:5 says: “Cursed is the man who trusts in man and makes flesh his strength, whose heart departs from the Lord.” Let me trust only in You. Till now You have led me in a wonderful way. Help me to remain faithful to You without letting my trust dwindle. You would deliver those who trust in You. In all my troubles, in my weaknesses and problems, You were my hope and You delivered me. For that I thank You. I was terribly upset not knowing what would happen in the marriage of my son / daughter. I had enough jewels and money and my child had good education and job. But I did not trust in those aspects, but only in You. You made everything happen so wonderfully well. I thank You. Let not this trust in the Lord in any way dwindle, but be firm. Make it happen so. In the name of Jesus Christ, O Father. Amen.