O God of love, I praise and thank You for this time of prayer. Do help families which are separated to forgive each other and to live unitedly. With the expectation that they would live a good life we chose the partners and did everything for them to live happily. But we see them living separated, and we are grieved. We wait expectantly for the bitterness in them to vanish. We wait in prayer for them to get united by forgiving the other. O Jesus Christ, have mercy on them. They were united in Your presence at the altar before Your servants. They also promised to be faithful to the other as husband and wife until death would separate them. Be merciful to them. Help them to get united and live peacefully as a family. Let them not blame the other as having cheated in marriage. Let them not accuse the other. As they suffer in worries of shame and in guilt and in sleeplessness, You console and help them to set right things. O Lord, they married with desire. But now they get irritated if anyone begins to talk to them about their reunion. O Lord, have mercy on them. You  created Eve for Adam as You felt that it is not good to be alone. You instituted the marriage at the garden of Eden. Now after separation, they intend to live alone in separation till the end. They do not want to be disturbed. They leave in desperation and shut themselves in a room, if anyone begins to counsel them. O Lord, when will this change? O Lord, You alone can set right their lives. You alone can change the hearts as one who changes the course of waters through sluices. Have mercy on us. Do not delay, O Lord. Let them not go for litigation against the other. Speak in their hearts. As the little children born to them seek their father or mother, we are heart-broken. When these little children see other parents coming and dropping and picking their children, they yearn for their own parents and their love. Lord, help them to live unitedly today itself. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray, O Father. Amen.