O loving Lord, I thank You for this good time of prayer. So far You have heard my prayers and multiplied peace in my life. I plead that You would change the situation of unrest and turmoil caused by the problems in the surroundings. None of my children or their friends should get involved in such a situation. Graciously protect them and guide them. O Lord, protect me so that no evil befalls me or anyone in my boundary. You said that the peace of my children would be great. They should be taught by You. I pray that they should be filled with Your good qualities. Help them to fear You and to be faithful in following Your ways. Make them to be holy in their thoughts and hearts. Let them seek You daily. O Jesus Christ, let them not be entangled in the traps of Satan. Make them have good sense and let them not take wrong decisions. O Jesus Christ, help them to inherit the good character of Your children and to live with others with love. Let them fear Your Word and obey it with a whole heart, and thus be good witnesses. O Lord Jesus Christ, help them to be planted in Your church and to reflect Your divine qualities.  Help them to be relieved from the anxieties and fears that they experience today and to grow in faith in You.  The Bible says, “Great peace have those who love Your law, and nothing causes them to stumble” (Psalm 119:165). According to that word, let peace multiply in the lives of our children. O Lord, help me and my spouse to live in peace and happiness because of our children. O Jesus Christ, hear my prayer and command a total transformation in my children. In the name of Jesus Christ, hear our prayer, O Father. Amen.